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Raccoon extermination tips

Your yard may have become the favorite abode of the hairy guest. While raccoons may appear to be charming, they can be a nuisance to property holders and ranchers – and even a transporter of diseases. While the main idea that strikes a chord when you find them in your nursery is to get rid of them at any cost, killing probably won't be the only best solution. Anyhow, read on the article to get some of the best raccoon extermination tips.

1. Shooting.
This is likely one of the easiest, most advantageous and sure-shot techniques for killing a Raccoon. You would not have any trouble in hitting the target due to their decent body size. Simply point the gun when they are static and shoot. The main thing that you have to consider is the legality issues concerning the use of weapons for the killing of mammals in your general vicinity.

2. Drowning.
If you've got the animal in a cage trap and need to euthanize it, a CO2 chamber is ideal. Drowning isn’t a recommended option to get rid of raccoons. Please avoid drowning the creature and keep it as a last option - that is a brutal redneck move. It's generally simpler to trap a raccoon in a cage than killing it.

3. Poison.
Probably the most effortless method for killing animals is to use poison. Since poison doesn't work promptly, you can have an extremely hard time finding the corpse, and when it has rotted enough for the human nose to smell it, other predators will have scented it for quite a while, which means more nuisance creatures are probably going to be about. Poison is also a cruel method for managing an animal issue, and as it is an aimless killer it is similarly prone to effect nearby household pets, for example, mutts and cats as it is to kill the raccoon.

4. Antifreeze
Will antifreeze kill a raccoon - Possibly, if the creature will eat it. Antifreeze can kill pretty much any mammal. The fluid is sweet to the taste and causes serious kidney damage to a point that death is inevitable. A lot of people think antifreeze poisoning is a humane method to deal with nuisance creatures, however that isn't true.

5. Grip-trapping
There are a lot of tips accessible for people who are live trapping a raccoon for the first time, yet it is important to ensure that you get the area right, and place the trap along one of the regions where the raccoon is active. You can use a lure to attempt to draw in the raccoon into the trap, with wet pet food, greasy meat or even marshmallows all effective bait. When you have put the lure in the trap, it is ideal to attempt to weigh the trap down with a block or a stone, which will keep the raccoon from shaking the trap and getting to the bait without getting trapped

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